Richborough is preparing an outline planning application for new homes on land south of Maldon Road, Danbury (‘the Site’). The Chelmsford Local Plan directs growth of 100 dwellings to Danbury within Spatial Growth Site Policy 13. The Chelmsford Local Plan Policy requires residential allocations to be made via a Neighbourhood Plan and the Site is allocated for the development of around 65 new homes in the emerging Danbury Neighbourhood Plan. Following an independent examination, the draft Danbury Neighbourhood Plan will proceed to a local referendum within the Neighbourhood Area on 12th December 2024.
Richborough is a specialist land promoter and works in partnership with landowners, Councils, local stakeholders, and the community to bring forward development schemes that deliver new homes and facilities which meet the needs of the local area.
The Richborough team strives to create high quality, sustainable developments integrate sympathetically with their surroundings.
The Site extends to around 6.105 hectares (15.085 acres) and adjoins Maldon Road (A414) and Cherry Garden Lane to the north, with the rear of properties along Hyde Green to the west and open countryside to the east and south.
The Site currently consists of agricultural land that gently slopes downwards from north west to south east. There are trees and hedgerows to the boundary of the Site and there is a Public Right of Way traversing the Site in a general north south direction.
The Site is located close to the authority boundary with Maldon District Council and is located to the south west of the Royal Oak Quarry which lies within the adjacent authority.
There are no ecological designations within or in close proximity to the Site, although Danbury Common SSSI, Woodham Walter Common SSSI and Blake’s Wood and Lingwood Common SSSI are located to the north east, south and north west of Danbury respectively.
The Site is located less than 1km from the centre of Danbury and is within walking distance of a range of amenities. Bus services also operate along Maldon Road, which provide services to Chelmsford and Maldon.
Danbury is a sustainable settlement with a good range of facilities and services which cater for the needs of local residents. These include schools, churches, shops, doctors surgery pubs, sports centre, library and a village hall.
Our application is due to be submitted in the coming months with timings dependent on a range of factors including the completion of the necessary technical work and the consultation process.
We’ll carefully consider all your responses after this consultation. Any questions you ask will be grouped together and answered in a document we’ll share online.
All consultation responses are requested by 25th November 2024.