Q1 – How many new homes are proposed?

ANSWER : Approximately 72 new homes, providing a range of housing types, designs and sizes, including affordable housing, smaller homes suitable for first time buyers and accessible homes suitable for the elderly.

Q2 – If planning permission is approved, when would construction work be expected to begin? When would it finish?

ANSWER : Subject to securing reserved matters approval in a timely manner, we anticipate development commencing on this site in 2026 with a build out to approximately 2027/28.

Q3 – How will the owners and occupiers of adjacent homes be protected from disturbance during the construction period?

ANSWER : A Construction and Environmental Management Plan would accompany any planning application which would include construction working hours, noise levels of any equipment, pollution control, dust suppression and location of parking for contractors.

Q4 – When will you submit a planning application?

ANSWER : It is our intention to submit an outline planning application towards the end of 2024.

Q5 – How can I view the planning application?

ANSWER : Once submitted, the planning application will be available to view via the planning portal on Chelmsford City Council’s website or in person at the Chelmsford Council offices.