Richborough is preparing an outline planning application within the context of the emerging Danbury Neighbourhood Plan, which identifies the Site as a housing allocation for up to 72 new homes.

Based upon the breadth of technical research already undertaken and through early engagement with Chelmsford City Council, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and statutory consultees, a Development Framework Plan has been prepared which shows how the development could be brought forward, although at this stage in the planning process, the proposals are indicative only. The Development Framework Plan below shows the current proposals.

The Development Framework Plan includes the following key elements:


  • The delivery of up to 72 dwellings with a mix of market and affordable homes (meeting the policy requirement of 35%) contributing to local housing need;
  • A variety of new homes, ranging from starter homes to family homes of varying tenure creating and adding to a diverse and balanced community;
  • New vehicular and pedestrian access from Maldon Road with a part diversion of Cherry Garden Lane;
  • Introduction of a new crossing point and bus stops on Maldon Road;
  • Retention of existing trees and hedgerows around the edge and across the Site, where possible;
  • New village green;
  • High-quality landscaping scheme sensitive to the existing landscape character which will buffer the development and provide a new gateway to Danbury;
  • The delivery of areas of public open space including children’s equipped play and a community orchard at the entrance to the site;
  • Sustainable drainage with features to support and enhance the ecological value of the Site;
  • Retention and enhancement of the existing Public Right of Way together with new walking routes and cycleways;
  • Overlooked, well-designed streets which feature new trees, speed calming measures and appropriate off road parking arrangements; and
  • A package of measures to show how new development will be resilient to the impacts of climate change and deliver modern energy efficient homes.

Richborough recognises that appropriate financial contributions will be sought to improve local infrastructure and facilities.